Friday, April 23, 2010


This week was quite interesting with teaching a few lessons (with some lessons everything came out horrible!) and our field trip to Charleston, SC. That was amazing to be able to watch the planning, go along, and be a back-up chaperone. I didn't really have kids to keep track of, so I wandered with the different groups. We had one chaperone (mom or dad) with two or three kids each. We had 84 people I think.

What a trip. We left at 7 am Thursday, and explored Boone Hall, downtown Charleston (carriage ride, walk through the market, and "ghost history walk...") and today we went to the Aquarium. Visits to restaurants and the hotel were interesting, but no one got hurt or lost (for long.) :) The trip down and back showed no problems since the kids kept occupied with playing video games while keeping an eye on the proceedings of the various movies they played on the bus.

This trip helped me get to know some of the kids better, and some parents too. We made a rest area stop going and coming. on our stop today two of our moms were able to help an elderly lady who had fallen. The lady's daughter told me they were traveling all the way back to Caribou, Maine. I hope they make it okay. The lady noticed my school of education badge from Bob Jones (student teacher badge), and seemed to know about the school. I wasn't able to talk much more with her about it though. It was nice to get to know our tour guide too. He is a retired pastor, now likes to travel some with groups or golf. :)

I was able to wander the Aquarium with one girl who was so curious and we had a lot of fun reading the plaques and info cards on the fish and other wildlife. It reminded me of the Biodome in Montreal. It was organized into habitats, and there were a lot of really neat fish and creatures to see. (no salmon though... too far south) I'm glad the rattler, copperheads, shark, and alligators were on the other side of the glass.

The kids were very energetic leading up to the trip, so hopefully they will be ready to work this coming week.

I'll teach a few more lessons next week, and then observe several teachers. It's been a blessing to learn from the other teachers with interacting with them in the lunchroom, and playground.

I'm looking forward to graduation, but not to leaving my kids. My sister has been very kind to reserve the second Pavillion on BJU campus after graduation on Saturday May 8th from 2-3. If you can stop by and say hi, I'd love to see you. We will have cookies and a bit of time to visit before everyone leaves.

The job search is going okay... sent an application to one school, and have contacted several more. The Lord knows where he wants me.

Thanks for your interest. Please let me know how I can pray for you.

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